It has been quite cold - and I'm getting tired of it. We haven't had temperatures out of the 20's for weeks. For a few days, we were lucky to get above 0. Add the wind, which blows a lot out here, and it's been bone-numbing cold. People out here are always saying to me "but you're from Utah ... aren't you used to the cold?" The answer to this is yes, it's something I am used to ... but that doesn't mean that I like it. I don't like it, not at all. Especially the arctic air - I could definitely do without that kind of cold.
I've been meaning to take some pictures to post ... but how do you take a picture that captures just how cold it is? I guess I could take a picture of me, bundled up so all you can see is my eyes ... but I haven't. We had some neat snow drifts in our backyard, created by all the wind, but I couldn't get our window open to take a picture (it was frozen shut) and so I just gave up - then it snowed again, covering the snow drifts in more snow. Needless to say, I'm not having the best of luck with pictures - but here are just a few random ones -
Well if it makes you feel any better, I was shivering looking at your pictures. I remember what it's like to live in the East Coast during the winter. Granted it was probably a little warmer because we were by the shore, but still so cold. At least you know that it does go away eventually. Good luck! I don't envy you at the moment.
Brrr! Having grown up in Alaska, I always got that same question. "Aren't you used to it?" Believe it or not, there are quite a few places in the "lower 48" that are colder than Juneau, Utah and New York included! But despite that, I agree. Being used to it doesn't mean you have to like it! In the meantime, you could come visit here in Cali. Even our chilly days would seem warm in comparison! ;)
I completely understand. I grew up in NH so everyone expects me to be used to the cold and somehow magically love freezing to death... yeah I don't understand how people get that idea. I'm with you, cold weather stinks!
Oh I am sorry it is so cold!At least you have a hubby to keep you warm.Your house is really cute, you need to post more pics of the inside! Next post... But I want you to know you got my heart racing! I saw the ticker at the top of your blog and got excited it was something else. Not that graduation isn't exciting...don't get me wrong. Is that the end of July? What seems like a really weird time to be graduating, how does that work?
BRRRRRRRR! This looks freezing. I was cold when we were there in October. I can't imagine how cold it is now. It is beautiful though! You live in a really pretty area. You get the best sunsets. We don't see many sunsets here because there are too many buildings in the way. :) We're excited for you to visit.
I hate being cold. It has been snowing over here which I like because it feels warmer when it snows. Everything looks clean and white.
Oh my gosh how much did I love talking to you? Even with "nothing" going on its still a treat. I've never seen the sunrise over Cayuga Lake- that really is incredible. And you did capture the cold. Burrr!
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