Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Normal Mormon Husband

Dang, this guy is hilarious. If you're a Twilight fan, you must read this! It's freaking hilarious!
I'm very much looking forward to Part 2. I laughed so hard that I was crying ... at my desk at work. Good times!


Lindsey T said...

That is hilarious Sarah!!!!

stephanie said...

That is awsome! I think I like it better then the books! jk!! Only a couple of days! I have to get my hand on a copy while I am here in utah!!

Lincoln and Alisia said...

that is funny. ps I want you to know that it is because of you that I started reading the twilight series. I love them and I am so excited for breaking dawn sat.
PS I got my swimsuits at limerickiswimwear.com A lady in Utah designed them.